Novinky o Gammu

Gammu 1.31.0

Gammu 1.31.0 has been just released. Christmas release folding up all fixes from past few months. There are too many changes to highlight some, but everybody should upgrade.

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Vydal Michal Čihař dne 21. prosince 2011

Gammu 1.30.92

Gammu 1.30.92 has been just released. This is hopefully last testing version before 1.31, which I would like to release around Christmas. There are some big rewrites though, which hopefully won't break anything.

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Vydal Michal Čihař dne 13. prosince 2011

Gammu 1.30.91

Gammu 1.30.91 has been just released. This release brings various bug fixes and documentation improvements.

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Vydal Michal Čihař dne 29. listopadu 2011

Gammu 1.30.90

Gammu 1.30.90 has been just released. After three months of slow development, here is new Gammu testing release. There are no new features, just fixed dozen of bugs found and reported by users.

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Vydal Michal Čihař dne 7. listopadu 2011

Gammu 1.30.0

Gammu 1.30.0 has been just released. New stable release of Gammu is finally here. Introducing features long available in testing releases as S60 support, screnshot support for DCT4, improved Samsung support or ODBC support in SMSD. Check full changelog for more details.

Full list of changes:

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Vydal Michal Čihař dne 19. července 2011