Sony Ericsson T630

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Více informací o telefonu může být na následujících stránkách:

Podporované funkce


connection = blueat
model = at

Poznámka zadavatele (anglicky)

Some random gammu features that works with this model: --identify (manufacturer, firmware, IMEI ...) --monitor (battery/signal info, network etc.) --getmemory (useful for SM, for ME backup, OBEX is better, see below) --(get|set)datetime (very nice feature) --setalarm (only non-recurrent alarm works, --getalarm shows some mess)

I haven't done many experiments with SMS, Calendar, TODO etc. (I do not use this.) There seems to be at least some basic functionality.

What doesn't work at all: filesystem manipulation (doesn't work even with blueobex) ringtones, logos, phone settings

For filesystem manipulations and ME phonebook backups/updates I recommend using OBEX. Get (lib)obenobex and obexftp tool. The entire phonebook (in VCARD format) can be downloaded using $ obexftp -b 00:11:22:33:44:55 -g telecom/pb.vcf To send a file (vcard(s), image, ringtone, theme ...) use $ obexftp -b 00:11:22:33:44:55 -p some_file For sending files from phone to PC, i use opd (

O záznamu

Vytvořil Jan Houstek dne 1. ledna 2006 1:00.

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