Sony Ericsson T700

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Více informací o telefonu může být na následujících stránkách:

Podporované funkce


connection = at115200
model = AAD-3052042-BV

Poznámka zadavatele (anglicky)

Report created using wammu 0.27 Pretty much everything works with the phone. Wammu sometimes behaves a little erratically, particularly if the phone is connected to the internet (little blue globe icon appears when the phone is linked to the computer). It seems to connect automatically, but I suspect this is a problem with the connection setting. Also, the names of the SIM contacts are displayed as (), although the record is read clearly. Phone memory contacts are displayed correctly.

O záznamu

Vytvořil Marko dne 6. ledna 2009 13:24.

Testováno na Gammu 1.20.0.

Podobné telefony