Samsung GT-2710

If this record contains wrong information, please add new record with correct information and the record will be replaced after review. All records were filled in by users and there is no guarantee that they are correct.

Více informací o telefonu může být na následujících stránkách:

Podporované funkce


connection = at

Poznámka zadavatele (anglicky)

I dont know how gammu can properly display multi-numbers contacts but it double names at listing with different numbers so i dont sure about 'enchanced phonebook'. SMS works perfectly, probably MMS ones too. Thank you guys for awesome free app for phone management. And because this phone has enhanced OS than 6310i-like ones you can check all compatibility points like "logo" and mark model as full compatible.

O záznamu

Vytvořil Andrey Korolyov dne 10. listopadu 2010 15:53.

Testováno na Gammu 1.25.0.

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