Samsung GT-S8000 (Jet)

If this record contains wrong information, please add new record with correct information and the record will be replaced after review. All records were filled in by users and there is no guarantee that they are correct.

Více informací o telefonu může být na následujících stránkách:

Podporované funkce


connection = at

Poznámka zadavatele (anglicky)

SMS was sent, but then WAMMU hung. Retrieved only read SMSes, but not sent No calendaring functions worked Creation of contact failed Contacts are read with only one number, even multi-number ones

Connection speed was set as at230400. Higher speeds were rejected by GAMMU.

Calls were read perfectly

Will try more with GAMMU 1.26.90

O záznamu

Vytvořil Sergei dne 21. října 2009 12:49.

Testováno na Gammu one shipped with WAMMU 0.30.1.