Nokia 1600

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Podporované funkce


connection = fbus

Poznámka zadavatele (anglicky)

I'm still unable to send/receive SMS through this phone.

Here's the generated log: [Gammu - 1.13.0 built 13:40:11 Jan 7 2008 using MS VC 6.0] [Connection - "fbus"] [Connection index - 0] [Model type - "1600"] [Device - "com1:"] [Runing on - Windows XP SP2] [Module - "1100|1100a|1100b|1600|2650|3100|3100b|3105|3108|3200|3200a|3205|3220|3300|3510|3510i|3530|3589i|3590|3595|5100|5140|5140i|5300|6020|6021|6030|6100|6101|6103|6111|6125|6131|6170|6200|6220|6230|6230i|6233|6234|6270|6280|6300|6310|6310i|6385|6510|6610|6610i|6800|6810|6820|6822|7200|7210|7250|7250i|7260|7270|7360|7370|7600|8310|8390|8800|8910|8910i"] Device is \.COM1 SENDING frame type 0x10/length 0x0C/12 00 |01 |00 |10 |07 |01 |02 |06 |0A |14 |17 |399 ...........9
Getting model SENDING frame type 0xD1/length 0x05/5 00 |01 |00 |03 |00 .....
[Received Ack of type d1, seq 81] [Sending Ack of type d2, seq 5] RECEIVED frame type 0xD2/length 0x28/40 01 |00 |00 |03 |56V|20 |344|2E.|300|333|0A |311|366|2D-|311|32 ....V 4.03.16-12 2D-|300|355|0A |52R|48H|2D-|366|344|0A |28(|63c|29)|20 |4EN|4D -05.RH-64.(c) NM 50P|0A |4EN|311|366|300|300|00 P.N1600.
Received model RH-64 Received firmware date 16-12-05 Received firmware version 4.03 [Connected model - "RH-64"] [Firmware version - "4.03"] [Firmware date - "16-12-05"]

O záznamu

Vytvořil Stefanus Wiria dne 28. dubna 2008 8:57.

Testováno na Gammu 1.13.0.

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