Motorola V360v

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connection = bluerfat

Poznámka zadavatele (anglicky)

Model "V360v" (V360 for Vodafone) probably has identical configurations than V360.

I've only tested via bluetooth (I have no cable). I've been able to make a backup of the phone book to file (with "--backup"), so I won't buy any cable ;-). I was thinking of using a cable and moto4lin, but it won't be necesary now, since gammu works.

"blueobex" connection seems to start correctly, many paquets are interchanged, but finally gets frozen (gammu receives something strange and doesn't reply).

O záznamu

Vytvořeno dne 8. července 2007 23:36.

Testováno na Gammu 1.11.0.

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