Blackberry 9800

If this record contains wrong information, please add new record with correct information and the record will be replaced after review. All records were filled in by users and there is no guarantee that they are correct.

Více informací o telefonu může být na následujících stránkách:

Podporované funkce


connection = blueat

Poznámka zadavatele (anglicky)

Entering monitor mode...

Enabling info about incoming SMS : Security error. Maybe no PIN? Enabling info about incoming CB : Function not supported by phone. Enabling info about calls : Security error. Maybe no PIN? Enabling info about USSD : Security error. Maybe no PIN? Battery level : 86 percent Charge state : powered from battery Signal strength : -71 dBm Network level : 63 percent Leaving monitor mode... Security error. Maybe no PIN? Security status : Nothing to enter.

O záznamu

Vytvořil MK dne 28. prosince 2011 20:07.

Testováno na Gammu 1.29.0.