Gammu 1.28.91
Gammu 1.28.91 has been just released. Welcome to another bug fix release of Gammu. The major ongoing task are documentation updates, which should be hopefully finalized for next testing release.
Full list of changes:
- Fixed locales compliation/support.
- Set memory to use for MPBR/SBNR/SPBR commands as well (bug #1128).
- Handle errors from CMGL same way as from CMGR (bug #1211).
- Fixed parsing of AT+CPMS=? reply (bug #1296).
- Implemented matching by serial number.
- SMSD can now be configured just for sending/receiving.
- Fixed battery status for S40 phones (bug #1301).
- Improved compatibility with Motorola phonebook (bug #1128).
- Lot of documentation improvements, check
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Vydal Michal Čihař dne 16. září 2010